Contributing at St. Charles

Faith Direct
Faith Direct is an online giving program that Saint Charles uses that enables parishioners to make weekly or monthly offerings to the parish electronically. Many of our parishioners are taking advantage of the ease and security this program offers. No more check writing or loss of ability to contribute should you be away from home or unable to come to Mass. You can sign up for the program and find more information about it at To apply you will need our parish code: NJ103.

United Way Giving at Saint Charles
Many organizations have annual campaigns to raise United Way contributions from employees. Donations can be made to a general fund or designated to a specific agency or tax exempt entity. St. Charles has a 501c(3) tax status and qualifies for such directed giving. Won’t you consider directing your United Way donations to St. Charles when you complete your contribution forms and help us address the needs of our many ministries?


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What is your moment?

Watch this inspiring video to hear from parishioners what their special moment has been here at St. Charles.
