Service & Justice

Service & Justice

ADVENT GIVING TREE For a description of all the organizations that are supported by this years Advent Giving Tree please click HERE

The mission of our Service and Justice Ministries is to foster an awareness of our Christian commitment to participate in the works of charity, justice, and peace.

Rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, we hope to fulfill this mission by empowering parishioners through education, formation, and direct service to our brothers and sisters most in need.

We do so through the following ministries:

Feed Thy Neighbor:

This is an umbrella title for all the hunger ministries at our parish.  Each ministry within Feed Thy Neighbor seeks to respond to the needs of the hungry in our local communities.

These ministries include:

Monthly Food Collections, Service in Soup Kitchens, Thanksgiving Coat Drive, Loaves and Fishes, Night of a 1000 Lunches, and Mission Harvest Apple Picking.

Parish Blood Drives:

Offered three times a year, we work with the Community Blood Council in this important ministry of donating blood and saving lives!

Habitat for Humanity:

We help with construction and many other volunteer opportunities in assisting the working poor to secure affordable housing.

Legislative Advocacy:

Our parish engages initiatives that support the political efforts that alleviate hunger and poverty, as well as address current humanitarian crisis.

Solidarity Committee:

As members of a universal Church, we strive to create relationships and partnerships with others throughout our country and world. We currently support student scholarships for children who live in the diocese of Santa Rosa, Guatemala.

Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN):

As a congregation host site for IHN, our parish welcomes homeless families to come and live here at our parish for a week at a time. We host families twice a year. IHN provides a supportive environment in which those who are homeless can once again become independent.

Special Programs:

Rooted in the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, there are a number of larger service opportunities that our parish organized throughout the year.

They include:

The Advent Giving Tree, Program on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl, Heifer International Living Gift Market, Service and Justice Stations of the Cross, Back-pack collection,  and America’s Grow-A-Row.


For more information on the many ways you can become involved with these ministries, please contact the Pastoral Assistant for Service and Justice:

Trish Scalese at or call 609-466-0300 x23


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